Read the Bible Through in 2024
There is an interactive app created by Francis Chan Ministries: This option adds video summaries of each book of the Bible to enhance your understanding before you read each book.
Here are some tips to make the most of your Bible reading:
Set apart a regular time to read – whatever will work most consistently for you.
Read a chapter slowly and listen to it if you like (Bible Gateway has several versions with an audio option).
Journal – write a summary of what the chapter says, paragraph by paragraph.
Highlight or underline passages that pop out at you or speak to you.
Ask the Lord to show you things you have never seen before in that passage.
Meditate on a verse that particularly speaks to you – meditate just means to think about what it means, read it over several times, ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to see.
Don’t give up – if you fall behind in your reading plan, just pick it up and start over! Keep at it and you will see fruit in your life!