When you visit you will be greeted at the door and given a package of church information. Please feel free to ask the greeter or usher to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to your visit!
We welcome you to visit us! What should you expect? We hope you will find a loving and welcoming community of people in love with Jesus and His people. What to wear? Casual dress is the norm, whatever is comfortable for you, casual pants, jeans, a suit or dress or skirt is fine, whatever is your particular style.
Worship is enthusiastic, you may see flags being waved, you may hear a shofar being blown, you may see some sitting quietly during worship and others dancing and expressing exuberant praise to the Lord. You may see and hear gifts of the Holy Spirit being expressed.
There may be an altar call for a specific need and times of prayer and anointing with oil as the Holy Spirit directs. At the end of each service, there are trained prayer team members who will pray for you if you so desire.
The service starts at 9:30 a.m. and usually ends by 11:00 a.m. The word of God is preached and taught by the power and inspiration of Holy Spirit. Pastor Rich is assisted in the pulpit by the elders and occasional guest speakers.
Children stay in the service for the worship portion and attend classes during the sermon. The nursery is available after the worship time as well. However, if your child needs care during the worship time we can most often accommodate your need. All our children’s staff and leaders are subject to background checks for the safety of our children.